Tuesday, June 29, 2010

potty training yang berhasil :)

saya sudah sejak tahun lalu berniat mengajari Esha untuk pipis dan pup di toilet, tapi kok jadinya cuma wacana saja. akhirnya saya tetap terus memakaikan dia disposable diaper sambil memikirkan bagaimana nanti kalau dia sudah mulai sekolah, bagaimana kalau kontribusi saya untuk global warming terus meningkat akibat sampah popok, dan bagaimana kalau Esha jadi terus tidak terlatih untuk menahan diri agar tidak ngompol.

karena sejak beberapa hari lalu Esha sudah mulai fasih menggunakan toilet dan saya selalu coba untuk kasih dia waktu beberapa saat 'nongkrong' disana sebelum mandi - dan beberapa kali berhasil - maka kemarin saya betulan menjalankan niat saya untuk tidak memakaikan popok setelah mandi pagi. ternyata sukses besar! dia pipis sebelum tidur siang dan tidak ngompol sampai waktunya mandi sore. popoknya cuma dipakai selama dia tidur.

hari ini saya ulangi cara yang kemarin dan selalu saya ingatkan kalau dia kebelet harus bilang (biasanya dia baru bilang kalau sudah terlanjur ngompol :)) ). sukseeeesss. dia pipis di toilet lagi sebelum tidur siang. senangnyaaa... biarpun potty trainingnya kilat dan tanpa pispot tapi alhamdulillah sudah menampakkan hasil :D

Friday, June 11, 2010

sore itu...

... waktu saya dan suami sedang ngobrol tentang sekolah formal dan jam kerja, saya bilang, "wuahh... untung udah gak dikejar-kejar waktu dan jam. everyday's like sunday :D"

dan suami saya bilang, "nggak sadar ya kalau jadi ibu justru gak ada liburnya?"

Monday, June 7, 2010

when is the right time?

there were times when i really wanted to conceive and have another baby in the house. at those times i could really just try to make it happen. but the more Esha grows, the more discussion comes around my husband and i. things like if Esha is independent enough to be a big sister (the fact is we always know that she will always be ready to be a big sister whenever the time is. it's a natural process as long as the parents do their homework too), and whether we should expect the conceiving to happen after we move to our new house (which still takes LOTS of time to improve).

but the inconvenient truth my husband and i know is that we have fallen in love with Esha too much and been enjoying our every single second with her like crazy. we wonder if we could share our hearts. it doesn't sound fair to me (despite the fact that even the fertilization hasn't happened yet). probably him being the last child -and only boy- in his family and me being the first child in my family make us see this matter in different ways.

i don't know... i guess we're just not ready yet and that we're having too much fun with Esha at the moment and just wanting to seize our days with her for the time being. i believe the time will come for us to make the real decision and up our minds about it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

thought of the moment

why do some parents say, "you're just a kid. you don't know what you want. just let me choose what's good for you." don't they learn that kids know better? why don't they spare some time to listen and talk rather than patronizing and dictating?

am i becoming one of the lousy parents?
hopefully not...

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